Contributing to pyControl

The pyControl project welcomes contributions from users and developers in the open source community. Contributions can be made in a number of ways, including:

  • Sharing the project
  • Asking questions or making suggestions in the Discussions
  • Documentation improvements
  • Bug reports and patch reviews
  • Code patches via pull requests

Reporting an Issue

Please include as much detail as you can. Let us know your platform and pyControl version, and ideally include a screenshot of the error message.

Increasing project visibility

Spreading the word about pyControl helps maximize the number of people that benefit from this work. Additionally, increasing users should lead to more feedback, suggestions, and code contributions that will ultimately improve the software for everyone. If you have found pyControl useful, consider starring the code repository on GitHub and/or sharing your experience with others.

Submitting Pull Requests

To get started developing for pyControl, fork the relevant pyControl repository on GitHub.

The default branch of the repository contains the last numbered release. The dev branch contains the latest version which typically has more features but may be more buggy. pyControl development should build on the latest commit in the dev branch to facilitate integrating it back into the codebase.

Once you are happy with your changes, or you are ready for some feedback, push it to your fork and send a pull request.