pyControl data

Log files generated by pyControl experiments are text files whose name is determined by the subject ID, start date and time, e.g. m001-2018-01-30-214942.txt

An example data file might read:

I Experiment name  : example_experiment
I Task name : button
I Task file hash : 289826412
I Subject ID : m001
I Start date : 2018/01/30 21:49:42

S {"LED_on": 1, "LED_off": 2}

E {"button_press": 3}

D 0 2
D 8976 3
D 8976 1
P 8976 This is the output of a print statement
D 10162 3
V 10231 variable_name variable_value
D 10423 2

Lines beginning I contain information about the session including subject, task and experiment names, start date and time.

The single line beginning S is a JSON object (also a Python dict) containing the state names and corresponding IDs.

The single line beginning E is a JSON object (also a Python dict) containing the event names and corresponding IDs.

Lines beginning D are data lines with format D timestamp ID where timestamp is the time in milliseconds since the start of the framework run and ID is a state ID (indicating a state transition) or an event ID (indicating an event occurred).

Lines beginning P are the output of print statements with format P timestamp printed_output.

Lines beginning V indicate the value of a task variable along with a timestamp. These lines are generated whenever a variable is either set or read from the board by the GUI. Variables set prior to the task starting are given a timestamp of 0, and the value of summary variables printed at the end of the run are given a timestamp of -1.

Lines beginning ! indicate that an error occurred during the framework run and contain the error message.

Analog data

pyControl analog data files ('.pca' file extension) are binary data files created by analog inputs and other source of analog data such as rotary encoders. They consist of alternating timestamps and data samples, both saved as 4 byte little endian signed integers. The function load_analog_data in the data_import module (see below) loads a pyControl analog data file into Python, returning a numpy array whose first column is timestamps and second column data samples

analog_data_array = load_analog_data('path//to//analog_data_file.pca')

Versioned task files

Task files used to generate data are also stored in the data folder, with a file hash appended to the task file name to uniquely identify the file version. The file hash of the task file used for each session is recorded in that session's data file so the exact task file version used to run each session can be identified. We encourage users to treat these versioned task files as part of the experiments' data, and to include them in data repositories to promote replicability of pyControl experiments.

Importing data

The data_import module in the tools folder contains Python classes for importing and representing pyControl data. It implements two different approaches for representing pyControl data in Python. The first uses custom Python classes to represent pyControl data; a Session class represents data from a single session, and an Experiment class represents data from an experiment consisting of multiple sessions and subjects. The second uses Pandas dataframes to represent data, with a session_dataframe function to generates a dataframe from a single sessions data file, and an experiment_dataframe function to generate a dataframe containing data from multiple sessions and subjects.

A load_analog_data function is also provided to loads analog signals saved as pyControl analog .pca datafiles.

The data import module has dependencies:

  • Python 3
  • Numpy
  • Pandas


The Session class is used to import a pyControl data file and represent it as a Python object.

Example usage:

import data_import as di # Import the data import module.

# Instantiate session object from data file.
session = di.Session('path//to//session//file') # List of state entries and events in order they occured.  
               # Each item is a namedtuple with fields 'time' & 'name', such that
               # you can get the name and time of event/state entry x with
               # and x.time respectively.

session.times # Dictionary with keys that are the names of the framework events 
              # and states, and values which are Numpy arrays of the times (in
              # milliseconds  since the start of the framework run) at which
              # the event/state entry occured.

session.print_lines # List of all the lines output by print statements during the 
                    # framework run, each line starts with the time in ms
                    # at which it was printed.

Class reference

class Session(file_path, int_subject_IDs=True)


file_path Path of the pyControl data file to import.

int_subject_IDs If True, subject ID is converted to integer, e.g. 'm012' is converted to 12. Otherwise, subject ID is a string.


Session.file_name Name of data file.

Session.experiment_name Name of experiment.

Session.task_name Name of the pyControl task used to generate the file.

Session.subject_ID ID of subject.

Session.datetime The date and time that the session started stored as a datetime object.

Session.datetime_string The date and time that the session started stored as a string of format 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS' List of state entries and events in order they occurred. Each item is a namedtuple with fields 'time' & 'name', such that you can get the name and time of event/state entry x with and x.time respectively.

Session.times Dictionary with keys that are the names of the framework events and states and values which are Numpy arrays of the times (in milliseconds since the start of the framework run) at which the event/state entry occurred.

Session.print_lines List of all the lines output by print statements during the framework run, each line starts with the time in milliseconds at which it was printed.


The Experiment class is used to import all data files from a given experiment (stored in a single folder) and represent the experiment as a Python object. The experiment class has a method get_sessions which can be used to flexibly select sessions from specific subjects and times. Individual sessions in the Experiment are represented as instances of the Session object detailed above.

Example usage:

import data_import as di # Import the data import module.

# Instantiate experiment object from data folder.
experiment = di.Experiment('path//to//experiment//folder') 

# Save sessions as a .pkl file to speed up subsequent loading of experiment.

# Return session number 1 for all subjects.
experiment.get_sessions(subject_IDs='all', when=1)

# Return session numbered 1,3 or 5 for all subjects.
experiment.get_sessions(subject_IDs='all', when=[1,3,5]) 

# Return sessions from specified subjects and date.
experiment.get_sessions(subject_IDs=[12,13], when='2017-06-23') 

Class reference

class Experiment(folder_path, int_subject_IDs=True)


folder_path Path of the pyControl data folder to import.

int_subject_IDs If True, subject ID is converted to integer, e.g. 'm012' is converted to 12. Otherwise, subject ID is a string.


Experiment.folder_name Name of the experiment folder.

Experiment.path Path of the experiment folder

Experiment.sessions List of all sessions in experiment.

Experiment.subject_IDs List of all subject IDs

Experiment.n_subjects Number of subjects.


Save all sessions as .pkl file. Speeds up subsequent instantiation of experiment as sessions do not need to be created from data files.

Experiment.get_sessions(subject_IDs='all', when='all')

Returns a list of sessions which match specified subject IDs and time.

subject_IDs argument can be a list of subject IDs or 'all' to select sessions from all subjects.

when argument determines session numbers or dates to select, see examples below:

when = 'all'      # All sessions
when = 1          # Sessions numbered 1
when = [3,5,8]    # Session numbered 3,5 & 8
when = [...,10]   # Sessions numbered <= 10
when = [5,...]    # Sessions numbered >= 5
when = [5,...,10] # Sessions numbered 5 <= n <= 10
when = '2017-07-07' # Select sessions from date '2017-07-07'
when = ['2017-07-07','2017-07-08'] # Select specified list of dates
when = [...,'2017-07-07'] # Select session with date <= '2017-07-07'
when = ['2017-07-01',...,'2017-07-07'] # Select session with '2017-07-01' <= date <= '2017-07-07'.

Session dataframe

The session_dataframe function can be used to create a pandas dataframe from a pyControl data file. The dataframe has the following columns:

type Whether the row contains session 'info', a 'state' entry, 'event' or 'print' line.

name The name of the state, event or session information.

time Time in ms since the start of the session.

duration The duration in ms of states and paired events (see below).

value The contents of info and print rows.

Optionally events can be specified as coming in pairs corresponding to the start and end of an action, e.g. pressing and releasing a lever. When a start-event end-event pair occurs in the data, only the start_event generates a row in the dataframe, with the end event used to compute the duration.

Example usage:

import data_import as di # Import the data import module.

# Create Pandas dataframe from session data file.
df = di.session_dataframe('path//to//session//file')

# Create dataframe specifying that lick on/off events and lever press/release events are paired.
df = di.session_dataframe('path//to//session//file', paired_events={'lick_on':'lick_off', 'lever_press':'lever_release'})

# Create dataframe specifying that all events that end in '_out' (e.g. 'left_poke_out') are pair-end events.
df = di.session_dataframe('path//to//session//file', pair_end_suffix='_out')

Function reference

session_dataframe(file_path, paired_events={}, pair_end_suffix=None)


file_path Path of the pyControl data file to import.

paired_events Dictionary of {'start_event': 'end_event'} that indicates events that come in pairs corresponding to the start and end of an action.

pair_end_suffix String indicating that all events that end with this suffix are the end event of event pairs corresponding to the start and end of an action. The corresponding start event name is found by matching the stem of the event name. For example if the task had events 'left_poke', 'right_poke_in', 'left_poke_out' and 'right_poke_out', specifying pair_end_suffix='_out' would be equivalent to explicitly specifying paired_events={'left_poke':'left_poke_out','right_poke_in':'right_poke_out'}

Experiment dataframe

The experiment_dataframe function can be used to create a pandas dataframe from a folder containing pyControl data files from multiple sessions and subjects. The experiment dataframe has the same columns as the session dataframe ('type', 'name', 'time', 'duration', 'value'), plus additional columns specifying the subject_ID, start data and time etc, generated from the info lines in the pyControl data file. Each row of the dataframe corresponds to a single state entry, event or print line from a single session.

As with the session_dataframe function, events can optionally be specified as coming in pairs corresponding to the start and end of an action, e.g. entering and exiting a nosepoke. When a start-event end-event pair occurs in the data, only the start_event generates a row in the dataframe, with the end event used to compute the duration.

Example usage:

import data_import as di # Import the data import module.

# Create Pandas dataframe from an experiment data folder.
df = di.experiment_dataframe('path//to//experiment//folder')

# Create dataframe specifying that lick on/off events and lever press/release events are paired.
df = di.experiment_dataframe('path//to//experiment//folder', paired_events={'lick_on':'lick_off', 'lever_press':'lever_release'})

# Create dataframe specifying that all events that end in '_out' (e.g. 'left_poke_out') are pair-end events.
df = di.experiment_dataframe('path//to//experiment//folder', pair_end_suffix='_out')

Function reference

experiment_dataframe(folder_path, paired_events={}, pair_end_suffix=None)


folder_path Path of the experiment folder containing pyControl data files to import.

paired_events Dictionary of {'start_event': 'end_event'} that indicates events that come in pairs corresponding to the start and end of an action.

pair_end_suffix String indicating that all events that end with this suffix are the end event of event pairs corresponding to the start and end of an action. The corresponding start event name is found by matching the stem of the event name. For example if the task had events 'left_poke', 'right_poke_in', 'left_poke_out' and 'right_poke_out', specifying pair_end_suffix='_out' would be equivalent to explicitly specifying paired_events={'left_poke':'left_poke_out','right_poke_in':'right_poke_out'}

Visualising data

The session_plot module in the tools folder contains functions for visualising pyControl data offline.

The session plot module has dependencies:

  • Python 3
  • numpy
  • matplotlib

Example usage:

import session_plot as sp # Import the session plot module.

sp.session_plot('path//to//session//file') # Plot a session.

sp.session_plot('path//to//session//file', fig_no=2) # Plot a session in figure 2.

sp.play_session('path//to//session//file') # Scrolling animation of session.

sp.play_session('path//to//session//file', start_time=30) # Scrolling animation of session starting at 30 seconds.

Session plot
